Reports until 18:35, Tuesday 18 December 2012
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:35, Tuesday 18 December 2012 - last comment - 12:52, Wednesday 19 December 2012(4964)
Mark B.

Starting TFs on MC2 and PR2.
Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 07:38, Wednesday 19 December 2012 (4966)
Mark B.

Checked at 7:30 am 12/19 - PR2 completed, apparently successfully, MC2 still chugging away happily but not quite done. Quiet around HAM3 appreciated.
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 10:59, Wednesday 19 December 2012 (4969)
Mark B.

Undamped TFs for MC2 finished at 10:47. Damped TFs for MC2 were scheduled, but they aren't critical to the go/no-go so I aborted them. Analysis is underway and HAM3 is available for other uses in the meantime.

Data so far:

/ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/HSTS/H1/PR2/SAGM1/Data/2012-12-18-1039919876_H1SUSPR2_M1_0p01to50Hz_tf.mat (PR2 undamped)
/ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/HSTS/H1/PR2/SAGM1/Data/2012-12-19-1039939277_H1SUSPR2_M1_0p01to50Hz_tf.mat (PR2 damped)
/ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/HSTS/H1/MC2/SAGM1/Data/2012-12-19-1039958656_H1SUSMC2_M1_0p01to50Hz_tf.mat (MC2 undamped)
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 12:01, Wednesday 19 December 2012 (4971)
Mark B.

Both plots have a dorop-out for L at the lowest frequency band, but that's not serious.

PR2 looks good otherwise.

MC2 has a Y peak in the L TF that should be there and likewise an L peak in the Y. Suspension should be checked for possible rubbing at the side of a mass.
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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 12:52, Wednesday 19 December 2012 (4972)
Mark B., Betsy

After some discussions we decided that to go with MC2 as-is, for several reasons. The ISI is now unlocked and one door is on, so a thorough inspection would be tricky. The peaks are not nearly as bad as most cases of rubbing, and could also be explained by slight mismatch in either the LF and RT sensors or the LF and RT actuators (which participate in both L and Y). Finally, although it's hard to see from the summary plot, the slightly suspicious peaks were also present in the old results from 4372, which we signed off on, and at least at that time they were well-suppressed by damping.  

Thus we gave Bubba the go-ahead to install the other door on HAM3.