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Reports until 17:31, Wednesday 19 December 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:31, Wednesday 19 December 2012 (4979)
Building the front end h1seih16

We began construction of the h1seih16 system today. We powered down h1susauxh34 and its IOChassis (which is broken). We removed its upgraded One Stop card and install it into the h1seih16 IOChassis. We ran a new timing fiber optics cable from the PEM/PSL fanout to this chassis and connected DC power. We connected the One Stop cable from the IOChassis to the front end computer h1seih16 in the MSR. We checked the DHCP, hosts files and rtsystab to verify the front end would boot. We performed a first power-on of h1seih16. It is on the Dolphin network but no gliches were found on other front ends. The IOP model h1iopseih16 was built from a copy of h1iopseih34 and cut down because of the smaller size. All appeared well but on closer inspection we have a ADC channel hopping error.

We tried a variety of h1hpiham1 models from L1, but could not find consistency with the HEPI drawing referenced by the model. But this is moot at the moment until we can get the IOP model running without channel hopping errors. After Mode Cleaner work is completed we will reboot and investigate.

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