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Reports until 16:04, Thursday 20 December 2012
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:04, Thursday 20 December 2012 (4981)
Day Shift Summary

There were a flurry of activities/measurements in the morning to get to a point where Kyle & Gerardo could start pumpdown on the MC section (HAM2, Input MC Tube, HAM3). 

Morning Meeting Notes:

  1. MC3 measurements continue
  2. Craning around BSC3
  3. Cheryl has optics she wants to check for 1st Contact
  4. CP2 Delivery today
  5. HAM3 Cabling for HEPI
  6. BSC3 HEPI Pier drilling

Day Acitvities

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