Reports until 14:54, Thursday 20 December 2012
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:54, Thursday 20 December 2012 (4986)
MC1/MC2/MC3/PR2 safe.snap
Mark B.

I updated the safe.snap files for MC1, MC2, and MC3 to lock in Cheryl's alignment work of the last week. For good measure I also updated PR2 because I wasn't sure of the provenance of the old file (of 11/26/12).

In each case I saved the old file with the modification date appended (e.g., h1susmc1_safe20121002.snap), and made a spare copy of the new file with today's date appended  (e.g., h1susmc1_safe20121220.snap).

Note that per current SUS policy, the suspension does _not_ come up with the offsets applied. The offset values are saved, but the offset enables are off, along with the damping enables, the test inputs and the master switch. Thus the laser needs to stay off until the offsets and master switch are reenabled.