Reports until 17:12, Friday 21 December 2012
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:12, Friday 21 December 2012 (4996)
h1seih16 rebooted multiple times, ADC channel hopping
Models running on h1seih16 would not run more than a few minutes.  The IOP model would die with complaints of ADC channel hopping, the GDS TP screen showed ADC1 as the culprit.  In an effort to find the problem, Richard McCarthy 1.) reseated all the cards in the I/O chassis, then 2.) moved the ADC card for ADC1 to a different slot so it would no longer be ADC1, 3.) Completely rearranged the cards to match the h1seih23 system (minus 2 ADC cards).  In all cases, the models would stop after a period of time (up to 25 minutes) with the same complaint of ADC channel hopping and the indication that ADC1 was the problem.

David Barker modified the IOP model to only use 1 ADC card and the model was restarted.  So far after many hours, the IOP model is still running.  All cards were left in the I/O chassis for this test.

We need to troubleshoot this to find out if any 2 ADC cards cause channel hopping, or if there is a specific ADC card that is causing the issue, or some other cause.