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Reports until 18:13, Thursday 27 December 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:13, Thursday 27 December 2012 (5008)
CDS shutdown for server rack relocation

WP 3615, Dave B and Jim B

We shutdown all the servers in the H2 Building, starting at 9am today. All machines were re-racked in the MSR. The original network switches were moved along with the computers. All were connected to the Raritan Paragon KVM system.

We powered the machines on in order of importance: file and boot servers, admin servers, ifo servers, web and login servers.

All came back except for cdswiki, which appears to have a disk error. We will continue to work on this tomorrow, but for tonight there is no CDS web services: medm snapshots, web pages, work permit, cds wiki. If we cannot get cdswiki working tomorrow, we will put a temporary web server in place to serve the medm screen shots.

Staff with login account should be able to use their accounts now.

We check that the DAQ is acquiring the Vacuum controls and FMCS signals. All front ends were unaffected by this move.

All Ubuntu workstations in the control room needed a power cycle to get operational, we suspect DHCP issues.

I'll post a more detailed alog later.

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