Reports until 15:15, Friday 28 December 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:15, Friday 28 December 2012 (5010)
Rack relocation work complete

We have completed the removal of the two infrastructure racks in the H2 Building, with their contents now relocated in the MSR. All items went into the right side two MSR racks with the exception of:

the Qlogic switch which was moved to the DTS DAQ rack (previously the H2 DAQ rack)

the GC switch which was relocated into the DTS computer rack

the conlog machine which was relocated to the H1 DMT rack, this will become an H1 FE computer

The cdswiki machine was finally made to boot via a manual grub startup. This machine looks like it lost one of its LVM2 drives. Since it will be replaced with the new Debian box next week, we will hope it holds together until then.

The backup file server died again, we suspect a bad boot drive. It is scheduled for a reinstall on the second boot drive soon.