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Reports until 16:12, Wednesday 02 January 2013
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:12, Wednesday 02 January 2013 (5018)
WHAM2 HEPI IPS & H L4-Cs on line
Wired up the WHAM2 HEPI IPS(Inductive Position Sensors) and the Horizontal L4-Cs (Seismometers).  The L4-Cs appear functional as do the IPS.  I zero'd the IPS and removed the Dial Indicators.  The numbers on the DIs would 'indicate' that they have been disturbed beyond usefulness.  While some of the IPS had several 1000 counts, none appeared too close to require position adjustment.  I zero'd the IPS to less than 50counts at the INMON(e.g. H1:HPI-HAM2_IPSINF_H4_INMON.)  The calibration after the ADC is 655cts/.001" so these are very zero especially wrt initial alignment.

HEPI remains locked at HAM2.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.