Reports until 16:26, Wednesday 02 January 2013
H1 General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:26, Wednesday 02 January 2013 (5019)
Ops summary:
Thomas and Cheryl

Morning status: Alarms:
Dust, LVEA 2, 13, and EY 1 invalid - I reset the ignore on all 3, since no dust monitors are connected
IOP SUS watchdog, ITMY - OSEM4 yellow
PSL, laser OSC_XchilAlarm, ENV, TEMP_Humidity - cleared up

- Table optics install at input arm
- BSC2 transfer functions
- In-chamber cleaning at EX
- Tumbleweed cleanup
- Praxair delivery, 10:04, CP-4
- Vent of BSC1/2/3 and HAM4/5/6
- Optics tables moved into squeezer area in LVEA
- Test stand computer issues