Reports until 19:13, Tuesday 25 June 2019
georgia.mansell@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:13, Tuesday 25 June 2019 (50192)
Populated SUS-PI and OMC-PI filters for 10.430 kHz mode

Georgia, Keita, Jenne (Peter F, Seb, Slawek)

Summary & motivation

Today I went through the PI and OMC drumhead medm screens and populated the bandpass filters and matrix elements so we can monitor and actuate on our 10.4 kHz modes. In the 10.4 kHz region we have two sets of modes for each test mass: the drumhead and butterfly (flower) modes. We want to identify each of these modes for each test mass, but top priority is ETMY as we believe a mode on this test mass went unstable a few weeks ago. To discern the flower mode from the drumhead mode we can drive diagonal ESD quadrants in and out of phase and see which configuration excites which mode. After this we want to measure the Q- factor of these modes, exciting them with the ESD (at 2 W IFO input power so we aren't influeced by the optical mode), and looking at the ring down. While the infrastructure is in place to monitor and damp PI modes, the frequencies had not been updated to match our new test masses.


A few weeks ago we rang up the 10.43 kHz mechanical mode of a test mass, see second attachment to Andy's comment here. The next day Sheila, TJ and Ed took a large step on ETMY's ring heater, increasing the power from 0.2 W to 1.2 W on both the upper and lower elements. They observed a shift in frequency of two neighbouring modes (10.4305 kHz and 10.4271 kHz), see first attachment comparing red and yellow traces, so we strongly suspect these are two different mechanical modes of ETMY. The high power on RH_Y caused another mechanical mode at 10.2105 kHz, see second attachment to Andy's other comment here. We have since backed off the ring heaters to 0.4 W, so our arm-cavity second-order higher order mode is sitting between these two mechanical modes. We have not encountered any parametric instabilities since setting the ETM ring heaters.


Today I added many bandpass filters around the 10.4kHz modes so we can monitor them with the TR QPDs, DCPD's and actuate on them with the ESD. The channels and modes refrenced below can be found on the PI overview medm screen.

In the PI-drumhead infrastructure I updated the D (EY) control filters:

The second attachment is the safe SDF diffs, I accepted them.

During tomorrow's commissioning time Keita and I will try and identify which mode is which on ETMY, using the deacon.

Images attached to this report