Reports until 16:14, Thursday 03 January 2013
LHO General
dale.ingram@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:14, Thursday 03 January 2013 (5025)
Ops Summary
As of 4:00 PM local today, the vacuum level at BSC 8 = 720 torr and at BSC 2 = 660 torr.  Richard replaced the power supply for the LVEA test stand sus IO chassis and Jim did some reboots to restore the system, which appears to be running satisfactorily.  Flooring installation is underway at EY.  Seismic's replacement of the HAM3 HEPI L4C appears to have worked.  Michael R and Kiwamu worked on PSL RF during the day.  Apparently tumbleweed baling has continued throughout the day.  Work permits signed by ops today:  3625 (Hugh, HEPI L4C), 3626 (Thomas Vo, oplev removal), 3627 (Filiberto, HAM1/HAM2 cable re-routing), 3628 (Apollo, EY crane support of clean room during flooring installation).