Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 16:17, Friday 04 January 2013
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:17, Friday 04 January 2013 (5034)
WHAM3 HEPI Horz L4-C Replaced--***System Now Locked***
This morning I relocked the HEPI elements after yesterday's L4-C replacement.

As I said yesterday, there was motion when I unlocked but after putting the motion into Global Coordinates, the motion suggest these were just strains put into the system when it was locked.  There has been a lot of activity at the HAMs between Dial Indicator removal and IPS coming on line.  So, I look forward to hearing from IO that the Mode Cleaner is still flashing.
The Global Coordinate shift is 15urad and the average translations are less than 0.1mm after everything is replaced and relocked.  The shift from floating to locked is much less than these numbers.
I did not zero out these readings as I did on HAM2 alog5018.  The Pier3 Horizontal Actuator may need adjustment; I'll wait to zero HAM3 until that is complete.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.