Reports until 15:28, Wednesday 03 July 2019
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:28, Wednesday 03 July 2019 (50379)
Regular Calibration Measurements Today: Sensing Function with PCALX and PCALY
J. Kissel

I've gathered the regular sensing function measurements this week. The file names are listed below.




Since I'm now well-practiced in processing the "normal" measurements with PCALY, I've already got the answers from it:
    Optical gain, H_c (ct/m)                 | 3.156e+06 (+1300,-1294) or (+0.04121%,-0.04101%)
    Optical gain, H_c (mA/pm)                | 4.213 (+0.001736,-0.001728) or (+0.04121%,-0.04101%)
    Cavity pole, f_cc (Hz)                   | 406.9 (+0.7171,-0.7105) or (+0.1762%,-0.1746%)
    Detuned SRC spring frequency, f_s (Hz)   | 5.193 (+0.00917,-0.009293) or (+0.1766%,-0.179%)
    Detuned SRC spring quality factor, Q_s   | 99.09 (+6642,-1.452e+04) or (+1.492%,-0.6826%)
    Residual time delay, tau_c (usec)        | 0.6708 (+0.4446,-0.4449) or (+66.28%,-66.33%)

which means the MCMC computed TDCFs are 
    TDCF Parameter | Value
    kappa_c = 0.97099
    f_cc = 406.9
    f_s = 5.193j #spring
    Q = 99.09.
which are in as much of agreement as one can see from the 2019-07-03 (I'm still working on getting data these GDS-computed TDCFs quick so I can make a plot for you in which you can actually quantitatively compare).
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