Reports until 14:58, Tuesday 08 January 2013
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:58, Tuesday 08 January 2013 - last comment - 15:51, Tuesday 08 January 2013(5046)
Triple Test-Stand Housekeeping
[Stuart A, Jeff B]

Jeff is ready to commence taking transfer functions on the triple test-stand and asked if all the recently updated automated Matlab testing scripts had been deployed. I therefore logged on remotely and svn'd up the following directories:-


and just for good measure...


Earlier today I committed (rev 3913) of the Schroeder Phase Tools "Matlab_TFs.m" function, which fixed the argument validation for X1 and X2 triple test-stands, allowing HSTS and HLTS optics to be used. This was tested at LLO and has now also been tested and rolled-out on the LHO triple test-stand.

An example, for PR3 (HLTS), was added to the end of the "LHO_Matlab_TFs.m" script, demonstrating how to automate taking sequential M1-M1 undamped and undamped Matlab TFs on the LHO (X1) test-stand.
Comments related to this report
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 15:51, Tuesday 08 January 2013 (5049)
I noticed that the EUL2OSEM and OSEM2EUL matrices were configured for a HSTS so I used the "make_sushlts_projections.m" script to generate the necessary elements and "fill_matrix_values.m" to populate the medm screen (as per LLO aLOG entry 2508).

I then observed damping loops would not close, so I switched the sign to the correct sign (+1 for a HLTS) on the SD BOSEM in the coil damping filters, and confirmed this enabled damping loops to close.

A burt snapshot has been taken of the current PR3 configuration, which has also been committed to the userapps svn.