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Reports until 16:05, Tuesday 08 January 2013
H1 General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:05, Tuesday 08 January 2013 (5050)
Ops Day Summary:
Tuesday Maintenance:

- Upgrades that took all of the front ends down for most of the day - Dave and Jim
- LN2 delivered to CP3, and it's back below alarm level at 98%
- the usual suspects for rugs, water, etc.

Things to recall:
- PSL laser is still down for RF wiring, expected back tomorrow
- tumbleweeds may be a problem for getting to EX

- h1oaf is white, it's off now, may or may not be white tomorrow, check with Dave
- ITMY and SEIB1 watchdogs are red
- PSL is red due to the laser beibg off
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.