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Reports until 17:01, Tuesday 08 January 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:01, Tuesday 08 January 2013 (5053)
CDS upgrade to RCG2.6.1


Today we upgraded the LHO RGC system to tag2.6.1. Yesterday we did as much preparation work as could be done without disrupting the system. At 10am today (Tuesday 8th Jan) we started the install process. We kept one frame writer up and running for as long as possible to minimize the gap in the trends for the Vacuum and FMCS slow channels.

We closely followed the wiki documents written by Keith Thorne and Alex Ivanov when they upgraded the LLO system in December. By noon we powered down all the front ends and took the DAQ down for its upgrade. After a slight problem with the data streaming from the front ends to the DAQ, by 3:20pm we had all the front ends and DAQ back online.

We did some quick tests with dataviewer and dtt to get archived data, open testpoints and ran excitations. Everyone should restart their systems and check that everything looks ok.

Tomorrow we will rebuild the SUS and ISI models for BSC1 adding back the missing IPC and DAQ channels to verify the RCG limits have been removed.

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