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Reports until 11:50, Wednesday 09 January 2013
LHO General
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:50, Wednesday 09 January 2013 (5055)
Status of tumbleweed baling.

Status as of this morning:

The Y arm is in good shape - although not cleaned up. As a result of the debris left behind the road is slippery and drivers should exercise caution.  Praxair should be able to get to the YEND or YMID with no problems.

The baling crew has moved to the X arm and at 10:00 am they were ~200 meters from the End station and moving towards the corner. The road between the corner and the XMID is passable for now. If we get significant wind it may not be.

The road between the XMID and the XEND is NOT passable as the single lane that was opened has blown in again.


Photos show the condition near the XMID  - the passable portion.

Images attached to this report
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