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Reports until 17:08, Wednesday 09 January 2013
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:08, Wednesday 09 January 2013 (5060)
PSL turned on

Rick, Michael

We turned the PSL back on today and were able to lock the PMC using the new aLIGO RF sources. We were also able to lock the ISS, but have not tried the FSS yet. We made some gain and offset settings to the PMC to optimize the loop which I will post tomorrow.

The laser came back up fine except the frontend monitoring PD inside the oscillator box (OSC_PD_AMP_DC_OUTPUT) is only reading 6.5W, while the PD on the table is reading the usual 13W. This discrepancy will have to be looked into.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.