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Reports until 14:45, Thursday 10 January 2013
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:45, Thursday 10 January 2013 (5069)
Mode Cleaner SUS' SEI/SUS Signal Exchange Paths Filled Out
Similar to what has been done for H1 SUS PR2, H2/H1 SUS ETMY, and H2/H1 SUS ITMY, I've filled out the new(ish) infrastructure for the SEI/SUS signal exchange paths, as described in T1100617. 

Hence, the channels
H1:SUS-MC?_M1_ISIWIT_?_DQ (sampled at 1024 Hz, stored in the frames), represent the motion of the suspension point of the mode cleaner triples in [nm], [projected / derived] from the GS-13s on board their respective HAM ISIs. (Remember, the calibration is only good [i.e. the GS-13s are only integrated] down to 10 mHz, but otherwise should be good out to the Nyquist frequency [assuming the table motion is above the GS13 noise floor]).

Further, in preparation for ISC signal exchange, I've installed the 2k to 16k AI filters (see earlier entry for details) in the M3 ISCINF P and Y filter banks.

All three SUS's filter files (H1SUSMC?.txt) have been copied over from the "chans" directory


to the userapps repo,


and committed. In addition, I've taken new safe.snaps, and committed them to the appropriate location in the userapps repo,

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.