Reports until 09:15, Friday 11 January 2013
H1 General
dale.ingram@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:15, Friday 11 January 2013 (5076)
Friday morning items
  • The NPRO turned off last night. Michael Rodruck will turn it back on today.
  • The IO team turned off the dust monitor at HAM 2.
  • Through 9:00 AM this morning we were in laser hazard. Keita is now transitioning the LVEA to laser safe.
  • Michael Rodruck anticipates that later today we will enter the dual-status condition in which the partitioned area around HAM 2 will be laser hazard and the rest of the LVEA will be laser safe. In this condition, any personnel working at height near the input arm will need to check with Michael Rodruck before starting the work.