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Reports until 15:02, Friday 11 January 2013
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:02, Friday 11 January 2013 (5080)
BIO switches - ISI Teststand

Yesterday, while turning on the interface chassis of the ISI teststand, I was very surprised to hear the relays of the T240s switching at a very fast pace. That was the first time I intended to use the teststand since the RCG update (to 2.6.1). Since the other BSC-ISIs (ETMY - ITMY) are working, we doubted the problem could come from the new code but who knows?
Few elements were checked (Voltage, BIO interface chassis). Nothing was abnormal. The Binary card was swapped, but it didn't fix the problem.

We figured that h1isitst.mdl was broken (Who did a change?). The binary outputs were sent to the DAC and 2 of the GS13 broadcast signals were send to the Binary output. That's why turning on GS13s was switching relays. The model was fixed.

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