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Reports until 16:28, Friday 11 January 2013
LHO General
dale.ingram@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:28, Friday 11 January 2013 (5085)
Ops summary
* Apparently the tumbleweed crew worked throughout the day between MX and EX.
* The roll-up door crew at EY finished the door and departed.
* Apollo installed the blanks on the HAM 6 septum and put the doors back on HAM 6 (see WP 3645).  The HAM 6 doors are completely bolted and torqued.
* Currently the LVEA is in the modified laser safe condition.  It appears that this condition will remain in place throughout the weekend.  The IO table is shut and locked at present.

Dust monitor 15 alarmed periodically throughout the day.  H0PEM_DUST.adl shows 15 near BSC 4 (H2 BS); Patrick suspects that its actual location is near HAM 2 or HAM 3.  The monitor that the IO team unplugged might be #9.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.