Reports until 22:19, Sunday 13 January 2013
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:19, Sunday 13 January 2013 (5091)
CP1 and CP2 level control still feezing when outside temps are below 23F (ongoing prob)

Efforts made months ago to fix the dryness of the instrument air supply to the Corner Station succeeded in drying out the instrument air but haven't fixed the freezing of the LLCV needle valves of CP1 and CP2 for sub 23F temperatures -> For tonight, I added low-wattage drop lights engulfed within foil tents to thaw stuck parts and then exercised/stroked the needle valves to free them up -> The next step is to stop flow through the transfer lines to allow them to warm-up to ambient and then to remove the needle mechanism to inspect/dry.  This will have to be done during the daytime.  

2225 hrs. local -> Leaving site now