Reports until 14:14, Thursday 01 August 2019
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:14, Thursday 01 August 2019 (50965)
Summary of spot positions before Tues and yesterday

Here is a quick summary of our spot positions on the test masses.  One column is the positions that we had been using before this week's Tuesday maintenance camera bump, one column is the spots that gave good buildups at 2W yesterday which is also the set of positions that the initial alignment is currently set for, and the final column is the spots that were better at 37W yesterday.

For the most part, we are closer to the center of our optics at the current 37W positions than our previous 37W positions. 

  Pre-Tuesday 2W and 37W 2W Post-Tuesday 37W Post-Tuesday Displacement change at 37W Pre- vs. Post-Tuesday
ITMX pit P2L = -3.965 -> 21.7 mm P2L = -0.1 -> 4.4 mm P2L = -3.5 -> 19.6 mm 2.1 mm closer to center
ITMY pit P2L = -3.0 -> 17.4 mm P2L = 0.8 -> 0.3 mm P2L = -2.0 -> 12.9 mm 4.5 mm closer to center
ETMX pit P2L = 4.3 -> -15.7 mm P2L = 0.7 -> 0.8 mm P2L = 3.3 -> -11.1 mm 4.6 mm closer to center
ETMY pit P2L = 4.3 -> -15.7 mm P2L = 0.7 -> 0.8 mm P2L = 0.9 -> -0.2 mm 15.5 mm closer to center
ITMX yaw Y2L = 0.055 -> 0.2 mm Y2L = 0.055 -> 0.2 mm Y2L = 0.055 -> 0.2 mm No change
ITMY yaw Y2L = 0.0 -> 0 mm Y2L = 0.0 -> 0 mm Y2L = 0.0 -> 0 mm No change
ETMX yaw Y2L = 3.6 -> 13.2 mm Y2L = 2.8 -> 10.3 mm Y2L = 2.8 -> 10.3 mm 2.9 mm closer to center
ETMY yaw Y2L = 3.6 -> 13.2 mm Y2L = 2.8 -> 10.3 mm Y2L = 4.4 -> 16.2 mm 3 mm away from center