Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 16:44, Tuesday 15 January 2013
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:44, Tuesday 15 January 2013 (5111)
Ops Summary
Filiberto pulling cables to IOT2L.
Corey to end Y to look at ALS table enclosure.
Tumbleweed bailing between mid X and corner station.
Jim B. to mid X to connect PEM channels.
Mid X PEM model built and started. Channels not added to DAQ (waiting on channel names).
ASC IMC model built and started. Channels not added to DAQ (waiting on check of data).
Apollo to move clean room from BSC5 to A-1E adapter spool for mounting viewports.
Apollo to move north side of BSC1 work platform away from the chamber to facilitate SEI work on support tubes.
Reverse Osmosis alarm.
Dust monitor 15 calibration failure alarms.

11:00 Hugh to work on HAM2 HEPI L4C leveling.
16:00 Rai soft closing GV18 for RGA measurements, plan to reopen around 17:00.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.