Reports until 08:06, Wednesday 16 January 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:06, Wednesday 16 January 2013 (5119)
H1 ASC model started

We installed the ASC IMC model on h1asc0 front end for the first time yesterday (Tuesday). This model is a copy of LLO's latest model in svn, converted from L1 to H1. Wednesday we will re-attach the ASC to the Dolphin Fabric, add the ASC Pitch and Yaw control inputs to the MC1,2,3 Suspension models and add the ASC to the DAQ. We also need to copy LLO's filter module, safe.snap and latest MEDM screens.

The h1ascimc model required a new QPD common model in isc/common/models. This file is used by the Suspensions systems, so we verified that the change did not change the main QPD part but added new QPD-with-whitening parts not used by suspensions. However we think the h1iscey model may need rebuilding.