Reports until 16:22, Wednesday 16 January 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:22, Wednesday 16 January 2013 (5127)
h1ascimc model

Today I added the h1ascimc model to the DAQ. I installed LLO's SVN version of the safe.snap (12dec2012) which gave a few errors but seems to have gotten the WFS signals going. We also installed the latest fiter module file from LLO (modied 15jan2013).

The initial install h1h1ascimc with dcuid=19 caused some testpoint issues today. This was resolved by removing the dcuid=19 from the testpoint.par file, leaving the correct dcuid=20 in that file.

Note that h1asc0 is still not on the Dolphin IPC network, nor are its PIT and YAW control signals being received by MC1,2,3. We should schedule these changes with the IMC group.