Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 17:13, Wednesday 16 January 2013
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:13, Wednesday 16 January 2013 (5129)
IMC: HAM2 HAM3 controls progress


Preliminary work:

Input/Output filters: Installed, enabled on both ISIs

Symmetrization filters: Installed, enabled on both ISIs

Damping loops: Installed, running on both ISIs

Blend Filters:   


Isolation loops:

Level 1 (UGF=10Hz, simplest): 


Level 2 (UGF=25Hz, Intermediate): 

-> We will leave HAM2/3-ISIs in this known configuration for the night.


Level 3 (UGF=35Hz, Most sophisticated): 

UGF = Unity Gain Frequency

* Blend filters used: 
     -X,Y,Z:         100mHz
    -RX,RY,RZ:  250mHz

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