Reports until 16:05, Monday 31 January 2011
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:05, Monday 31 January 2011 (514)
Ops Day Summary
Received 12:30 phone call notifying monthly testing of Hanford alarms.
Hanford fire department was performing regularly scheduled maintenance at the outbuildings.
BSC4 Passive ISI stack was removed. The dome will be replaced and the stack disassembled tomorrow.
Oscar was bailing tumbleweeds.
There was an oil drum delivery for Hugh.
The metal recycling was picked up.
h0epics2 was restarted, and the motor controllers running on h0epics1 were moved over.
I had to restart dust monitor locations 3 (BSC4) and 6 (Diode Room). Location 1 (ISCT4) still needs to be restarted. They had been on hold for an unknown period of time.
There is an unresolved problem with the central control for FMCS.