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Reports until 16:10, Thursday 17 January 2013
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:10, Thursday 17 January 2013 - last comment - 22:04, Thursday 17 January 2013(5140)
BS06 in Oven

(Betsy, Gerardo)

Optic is now in the oven.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 22:04, Thursday 17 January 2013 (5147)

The heat cycle was initiated at ~10:30am, intending to ramp to 34 degC over 2 hours and then soak for 6 hours before returning to room temp.  At 3pm the sensor on the glass probe inside the oven showed 28degC while the controller had reached 34 degC.  I attempted to increase the temp of the controller and add more time to the soak, but during the hour of messing with it the temperature started to slowly drop.  Apparently the controller does not like ramps less than 2 hours and could not resume heating quickly.  Because we were mid cycle, I opted to kill the power since I was leary of adding more time at increased temp during unattended evening hours.  A lesson learned for the next optic/glue cure cycles - set the controller temp to ~40 degC and don't mess with it mid-cycle. 

The BS cure cycle was 28 degC for 4.5 hours - not quite up to spec, but going to have to be good enough.  The optic was left to ramp down to RT naturally overnight.

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