Reports until 09:27, Friday 18 January 2013
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:27, Friday 18 January 2013 (5149)
Affinity set on h1ecatc1

[Patrick, Kiwamu]

  Yesterday the IMC commissioning team complained that the EPICS values associated with the corner Beckoff system did't look correctly updated. This was causing confusion --- they tried zeroing the electronics offsets in the MC servo board, but the values in the MEDM screen didn't change at all. It turned out that the slow digital system itself had been running fine and had been under control regardless of whatever the values shown in a screen. Therefore it seemed that something was wrong between the Beckoff and EPICS.
 We suspected that this might be due to the fact that we have so many EPICS channels managed in a single Windows machine, namely h1ecatc1. To alleviate the heavy load on the processors we have set the affinity of all the EPICS OPC servers such that they can run any of the CPUs (from CPU0 to CPU9) via the regular task manager application. Note that we have 17 OPC severs running on this machine. This solved the issue and so far it looked running OK.

Though we think we need to come up with a more reliable solution since we maybe having the same issue in some future.