Reports until 11:05, Friday 18 January 2013
giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:05, Friday 18 January 2013 - last comment - 16:18, Monday 21 January 2013(5155)
IMC working again

The IMC lost lock tonight at about 4:00 AM local time. It is not clear why (no big drift in the control channels).

We had trouble recovering lock this morning, unitl we discovered that there were problems with the windows machine controlling the slow digital system.

After we reset the system, restore the working settings on the common mode board and readjusted the delay line value (I'm stressing this as the default setting after a reset of the system results in almost all the signal being in the Q quadrature, with a consequently unusable error signal... good to keep in mind!), we were able to reacquire lock very easily.

Comments related to this report
giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - 16:18, Monday 21 January 2013 (5193)

For future reference, the delay line pahse is set to 243.42 Deg (and can be read by the H1:IMC-REFL_A_PHASE_PHASEDEG channel)