Reports until 14:55, Wednesday 28 August 2019
H1 SEI (DetChar, FMP, IOO, ISC, Lockloss, OpsInfo, PSL, VE)
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:55, Wednesday 28 August 2019 - last comment - 15:53, Wednesday 28 August 2019(51584)
EX HEPI Pump WILL Be Replaced Tomorrow; Here's the, and resulting in-parallel, Plans
J. Kissel, for the Ops, DetEng, Commissioning Teams

Daniel and Keita have decided that it's not worth the risk running with the ETMX HEPI Pump Station any longer than we need to, and Hugh & Jim have confirmed that they are ready, thus We will take the IFO down for 8 hours tomorrow starting at Aug 29 2019 08:00 PDT (15:00 UTC) in order to replace ETMX HEPI Pump.

As a result, we are also taking that opportunity to do the follow, maintenance day like activities:

Chandra and vacuum crew
MX Ion Pump install (definitely 8 hours)
     This means we'll be closing the X arm gate values
    > Can we do hammer drilling in prep the night before (during observation)?
         > Nope -- to unknown of an impact. Will punt to *after* the work during recovery

Sheila & Matt
Install L2A digital compensation filters
    > will come in "early," or write a script for people to run "early" ("early" = just before 15:00 UTC)

Tyler & Chris
Crane iLIGO seismic stuff over the LVEA beam tubes

    > install a new ALS pick-off in PSL by reference cavity (before IO / EOM).
        > PSL incursion
        > check alignment of ALS SHG down stream, to make sure things are still OK

    > Replace green camera housing at the X end station
    > Activity near BRS / STS / Oplev / PCAL systems (sensor correction will already be off for EX)

    > Repeat squeezer phase noise measurement.

    > Continue 60 Hz RF investigation

    > Test out DIAG_CRIT stuff (SEI_CONFIG stuff)
    > Will use SEI ETMX as testing node, since it'll be down and out of use anyways.

    > Install improved parcing of GRB alerts

Dave & Patrick
    > Include ALS Shutters in to SDF for appropriate PLC.
Comments related to this report
chandra.romel@LIGO.ORG - 15:53, Wednesday 28 August 2019 (51585)

*vacuum team will replace main turbo pump at MX (not ion pump)