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Reports until 12:50, Tuesday 01 February 2011
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:50, Tuesday 01 February 2011 (517)
BSC4 SEI System "De-stacked" & Dome Installed

[Chris, Corey, Greg, Rodney, Zak]

The BSC4 SEI System was disassembled, put on pallets, and rolled out of the LVEA (Down Tube will be cut so the Support Table can be used), and eventually will be rolled outside to await recycling.

Entered BSC4 via HAM10 to check on accesibility of lower Support Tube bolts to "vertically challeneged".  It's possible to reach the bolts, but it's a little bit of a stretch.  (the use of Jim may need to be entered into the De-Install procedure)

The Dome was re-installed on BSC4 with no issues.

This completes removal of H2 iLIGO in-vacuum Seismic Isolation systems from the LVEA (except for the HAM Support Tables...they'll stay in until after HEPI installation).

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.