Reports until 12:52, Tuesday 22 January 2013
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:52, Tuesday 22 January 2013 (5195)
Mark B.

The PR3 TFs that failed before (5191) ran fine when restarted with the typo fixed (the call to Matlab_TFs() had invoked model hsts_metal, not hlts metal):

Undamped: ^/trunk/HLTS/H1/PR3/SAGM1/Data/2013-01-21-1042830122_H1SUSPR3_M1_0p01to50Hz_tf.mat
Damped: ^/trunk/HLTS/H1/PR3/SAGM1/Data/2013-01-21-1042852645_H1SUSPR3_M1_0p01to50Hz_tf.mat

The damped plots are all fine. The undamped plots are rather noisy in L, P and Y, and the fundamental pitch mode (0.66 Hz) has pretty much disappeared in P and L. Probably needs a look over and another round of TFs.
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