Reports until 17:38, Monday 21 January 2013
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:38, Monday 21 January 2013 (5196)
PR3 Optic Prisms - Status

This weekend, I glued the second primary prism to the PR3 optic (the 3rd of its 4 prisms).  I'll note here that the temperature of the room was higher than normal due to the fact that the original air bake oven was moved into the cleanroom and started for a 200 deg bake load over the weekend (Greg/TCS, see alog below).  I used the Fluke probe and measured the RT to be 26.6 degC.  Our optic bonds specify a 6 hour 34 degC air bake in the new custom oven, so we'll need to watch dor dualing air bake ovens in the future.  I think we should start pulling work permits for this (and probably should have been in the past.)