Betsy and I swapped the TCSY chiller with the rebuilt original chiller. This chiller was swapped back in January due to a leaky shaft seal. There was lots of corrosion in the pump, so we got a brand new pump and motor mounted and tested.
The hope with this chiller swap is that this chiller's temperature is a bit more stable and we won't have as many laser relocks that take us briefly out of observing (see alog 50789 for more info).
The laser recovered within an hour as usual, and temperatures and pressures all seem good. For the short time that we have been running with this current chiller, it looks good. Time will tell.
Current chiller: S/N127640801150617
Old chiller: S/N0110193301120813
(Analog_1 is pressure in psi. Analog_2 I believe is actually temperature near or on the laser itself, not pressure as the medm states.)
Attachment 1 - The current chiller stabilizing.
Attachment 2 - One day trend, showing the current values compared to the old chiller.