Reports until 13:44, Tuesday 22 January 2013
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:44, Tuesday 22 January 2013 (5202)
Utility for SUS safe.snap files
Mark B.

I committed a handy Matlab script to the SUS SVN that automates the process of creating safe.snap files for SUS: 


Typical usage is 


It backs up the current state to a temp file in /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/${ifo}/burtfiles/, puts the suspension into the safe state by switching off the master switch, test filters, damping filters, lock filters and alignment offsets, makes the safe.snap file, restores the suspension to the saved original state, and deletes the temp file. It's fairly verbose and describes in detail what it's doing, so if it should hit an unexpected condition and stop it should be fairly obvious how far it got and how to recover.

At the end of its output it supplies the text of an svn commit command that can be copied and pasted into the Matlab command line to commit the new file.

It supports QUAD, BSFM, HLTS, HSTS and HAUX, and has been tested on all of those on H1. For HAUX, you can specify a single optic, e.g., 'IM1' but since there's only one model for IM1-4, it necessarily does them all.

It assumes that the safe.snap files are symlinks pointing into the userapps SVN, according to the scheme imposed on H1 by Jeff K in alog 5133.  If/when LLO adopts the same layout, the script should work there as well.