Reports until 12:32, Thursday 19 September 2019
aidan.brooks@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:32, Thursday 19 September 2019 (52032)
Detailed ITMY point absorber analysis - 6 distinct points

As part of the point absorber paper, I've been looking extremely closely at the ITMY point absorber distribution. Since the heat from the points tends to diffuse into the bulk over time, taking a measurement over a very short time scale yields a much more distinct view of the individual point absorbers. By looking approximately 120s after a power-up, I was able to isolate at least 6 distinct point absorbers on ITMY.

Point X coord [mm] Y coord [mm]
1 0 0
2 -18 -17
3 -15 +48
4 -52 -25
5 +30 -8
6 +5 -35

I've centered the HWS coordinate system on the biggest point.

The distribution is such that after 20 minutes, the individual points are much less distinct.

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