Reports until 16:30, Wednesday 23 January 2013
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:30, Wednesday 23 January 2013 - last comment - 16:51, Wednesday 23 January 2013(5228)
WBSC1 HEPI moves for IAS
After SUS made sure everything was clear and not biasing the measurements, IAS gave us direction.  We moved the ITMy HEPI down 1.3mm, & 0.8mm North and tried to do no Yaw.  After this we locked the ISI and looked at the level of the Optical Table.  We saw a runout of 0.019" on the Optical Table.  We did a tilt correction, down on the SE corner and up on the NW of ~0.2mm each.  This put our runout on the Optical Table measurements at 0.12mm.
Then, wouldn't ya know it, IAS says we have to Yaw 577urad CW.  So we turned the HEPI Springs 1/2turn each for CW yaw and that got us under 100urad.  Have to say after doing that I do want to confirm the Optical Table is still level.
Comments related to this report
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - 16:51, Wednesday 23 January 2013 (5230)
Here are the final position/angle error numbers for the ITMy after today's moves:
  • Lateral Position: -0.67 mm (South)
    • Tolerance: ±1.0 mm
  • Vertical Position: 0.0 mm
    • Tolerance: ±1.0 mm
  • Axial Position: -0.2 mm (East)
    • Tolerance: ±3.0 mm
  • Pitch: ~1.4 mrad down
    • This measurement is approximate.  The pitch was too far out to get a measurement on the autocollimator
    • Target: 12.5 µrad down
    • Tolerance: ±160 µrad
  • Yaw: ~85 µrad CCW
    • This was also approximate, as the pitch was too far out to get a measurement on the autocollimator
    • Target: 0.0 µrad
    • Tolerance: ±160 µrad