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Reports until 07:53, Thursday 24 January 2013
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:53, Thursday 24 January 2013 (5238)
WHAM2 HEPI L4Cs All Leveled HEPI Remains Unlocked---Late Entry
Forgot this what with the BSC1 work.
Yesterday between ~10M & Noon, I locked down the SW HEPI Foot and leveled the two L4Cs.  This concludes the L4C leveling on the HAM.  When done, after releasing the Foot, the largest change to the Inductive Position Sensor readings was ~400 cts or ~0.0007".  This was a horizontal.  I doubt it will be noticeable.
SEI would like to lock up this HEPI.  Since there is no HEPI operation at this point, the unlocked HEPI shows resonances that would nominally be suppressed.  With approval, SEI will lock this today.  WHAM3 remains locked but there are still three corners to level there which will mean it will be unlocked, again, when the IMC crew can tolerate the mild disruption.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.