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Reports until 10:00, Thursday 24 January 2013
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:00, Thursday 24 January 2013 - last comment - 10:39, Thursday 24 January 2013(5240)
h1seih23 stopped running early Thursday morning.
At 9:22:13 UTC Jan. 24, the models on the h1seih23 computer stopped running.  All models reported ADC timeout.  Checked I/O chassis, power switch was on but found no indication of life.  The I/O chassis refuses to power up, even after disconnecting the DC power and reconnecting.  Suspect I/O chassis power supply is bad.  h1seih23 is powered off for now.
Comments related to this report
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - 10:39, Thursday 24 January 2013 (5242)
Power supply for I/O chassis replaced, h1seih23 restarted at 18:38 UTC.
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