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Reports until 16:35, Thursday 17 October 2019
aidan.brooks@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:35, Thursday 17 October 2019 - last comment - 16:55, Thursday 17 October 2019(52551)
H1 ETMY HWS new laser source fine tuning alignment, imaging and mode-matching.

Thursday ETMY HWS notes


0934 – at etmy. Going to work on imaging first using the sharpness of the baffle shadow as a guide.

0940 – removed hartmann plate. Ready to take images.


Ruler, GPS time of image

77mm, 1255365740

44mm, 1255365872

100mm, 1255365916

150mm, 1255365961

191mm, 1255366027

230mm, 1255366071


0953 – back to corner station to analyze the data

1032 – not 100% clear but minimum looks to be at 90mm, with uncertainty of +/- 10mm.

So put it camera at 100mm to account for additional 10mm between Hartmann plate and the CCD. Leaves an uncertainty of ~ +/-6m from the test mass.

1117 – back at ETMY

1122 – FC/APC coupler installed. No change in the amount of power on the CCD

1127 – Using the pico mirro furthest from the periscope, I can move the beam around. When intensity is centered on the shadow, I can see clipping in the top left hand corner which gets much worse when I move it that way. Effect is asymmetric. I Do not see the same effect when moving it in the opposite direction.

1200 – 2.70units to 3.23units on translation stage

1210 - Back to 3.0units – 1255374607 to make a smaller beam. Trying to cover a range of 5mm on CCD = 110mm on ETM

1213 – Hartmann plate reinstalled.

1214 – door on

1215 – running HWS code

SSF = 2Hz, ----

1219 – Front end is down

_- Smaller beam helps a lot in making return beam look better


1344 – Back from lunch

Going to redo imaging


YAW0 = 128, YAW1 = 138

Z = 100mm

Dx = 5.05pixels

Z = 140mm

DX = 3.343

Z = 180mm

DX = 1.963

Z = 220mm

DX = 0.703

Z = 230mm

DX = 0.21

Z = 260mm

DX = -0.831

Zero crossing = 236.5

With plate = 246.5;


1424 - New position – 1255382646

1505 – Going to clean fiber laser end.

1525 – Fiber cleaning only helped a tiny bit

1530 - 1255386598 – Intensity distribution

1536 – added iris to front of CCD

1537 – reinstalling Hartmann plate

(Z = 245mm on ruler)

1539 – Hartmann plate is on

1544  - Frame rate = 1Hz, 262 centroids, peak value = 2840

1255387575 – ETMY RH set from 0.8W to 4.8W

1547 – Changed ETMY magnification to 22.8x

See if can hook up remote control tomorrow.

How robust is launcher to misalignment/bumping?


Comments related to this report
aidan.brooks@LIGO.ORG - 16:55, Thursday 17 October 2019 (52553)

Here is an image of the intensity profile on the ETMY HWS. It's the closest to a Gaussian beam that we've seen on any of the ETM HWS before.

This was mostly achieved by adjusting the translation stage of the focussing lens in the fiber launcher. Moving the lens further away from the fiber allowed us to create a smaller beam (at the expense of some mode-matching through the system).


The ring heater measurement looks promising. There are some bits of systematic noise near the edges but the central region of the wavefront looks a lot cleaner than yesterday.



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