Reports until 15:28, Friday 04 February 2011
H2 General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:28, Friday 04 February 2011 (527)
Measuring HAM Air Bearing/Air Bearing Distance

[Corey, Scott]

Hugh noticed some discrepencies between how the ends of the HAM Support Tubes looked with respect to the V-Blocks (basically, all the H2 ones looked inboard everywhere, and H1 looked better).  Scott and I went around to each chamber and took a measure of the distance between bolt holes on the top of the airbearings (to get an idea of the crossbeam/crossbeam distance for  each HAM chamber). 

Below, shows the measurements we made between Air Bearings.  Took linear measurement between Air Bearings (i.e. inline with the Support Tubes).  Overall, the measurement looks similar.  So, the notable issue is why the Support Tubes on H2 are all in-board of the V-blocks.  Are these Support Tubes smaller??

(*Didn't make measurements for HAM6 since there was a suspended Clean Room over it)

  #1 #2 Visual Observations of Support Tube wrt V-Block outer surface
HAM1 69-5/16 (east) 69-5/16 (west) Nice & flush
HAM2 69-7/16 (east 69-8/16 (west) Support Tubes translated to south
HAM3 69-5/16 (east) 69-7/16 (west) Support Tubes translated to south
HAM4 69-4/16 (south) 69-6/16 (north) Support Tubes translated to west
HAM6     Flush with V-Block outer surfaces (very good!)
HAM7 69-4/16 (east) 69-5/16 (west) Inboard on both sides by quite a bit!
HAM8 69-4/16 (east) 69-5/16 (west)   "
HAM9 69-4/16 (east) 69-6/16 (west)   "
HAM10 69-9/16 (north) 69-5/16 (south)   "