Reports until 15:45, Friday 25 January 2013
H1 General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:45, Friday 25 January 2013 (5270)
Ops Summary:
_ clean room work in the LVEA
_ ITMY work aligning with IAS and then OSEM work to recover centering
_ IO transfer functions and additions to IOT2L and the PSL
_ HAM2 East got a camera mounted on a viewport last night
_ MC locking needed help after the reboot and installation of the LLO MC2 model yesterday
_ Cables pulled around HAM1/2
_ Photon Calib. hardware brought into the LVEA
_ Dust monitors - the MEDM means nothing about where these dust monitors are, just FYI

Still coming today:
___ DAC reboot