Reports until 15:52, Friday 25 January 2013
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:52, Friday 25 January 2013 (5272)
Pumped X-end for a few hours -> will resume on Monday
Removed bellows tie-rods from spool connecting BSC9 to BSC5 -> Started pumping X-end -> Noticed that BSC5 gauge pair was missing and a that the filter connection installed for the X-mid to X-end move of BSC5 was still connected to the gauge pair port -> Stopped pumping X-end -> Vented X-end -> Removed filter connection and installed conflat blank -> Restarted pumping of X-end 

1530 hrs. local -> Valved-out pump from X-end -> will resume pumping on Monday (Rough pumping must be attended)