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Reports until 13:23, Sunday 27 October 2019
ling.sun@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:23, Sunday 27 October 2019 - last comment - 20:59, Friday 01 November 2019(52727)
C01 uncertainty budget (Jun 11 - Oct 01)

L. Sun

The hourly C01 uncertainty budget plots and txt files (0611-1001) are stored here: https://ldas-jobs.ligo.caltech.edu/~ling.sun/Calibration/Uncertainty/O3C01_190611-191001/LHO/

(Note: the dir for batch 1 is kept as O3C01)

Since LHO has an IFO change on 0828 (SRC offset), the results are shown in separate chunks.

The scripts live in:
The submission files are:

LHO Chunk 2
1244307456 == Jun 11 2019 16:57:18 UTC
1251071403 == Aug 28 2019 23:49:45 UTC
(num of jobs: 1879)
LHO Chunk 3
1251071403 == Aug 28 2019 23:49:45 UTC
1253982208 == Oct 01 2019 16:23:10 UTC
(num of jobs: 809)

Results cover ~77% of the total number of hours. The current results are based on an overall PCAL uncertainty of 0.79%. The percentile and max bound plots are attached. They are generated using the following commands:

python RRNomStat.py --statDir=/home/ling.sun/public_html/Calibration/Uncertainty/O3C01_190611-191001/LHO/ --IFO=LHO --nameTag=O3_C01_190611-190828 --gpsStart=1244307450 --gpsEnd=1251071403

python RRNomStat.py --statDir=/home/ling.sun/public_html/Calibration/Uncertainty/O3C01_190611-191001/LHO/ --IFO=LHO --nameTag=O3_C01_190828-191001 --gpsStart=1251071402

The attachment demonstrates that the variation of the envelopes is negligible.
- White dashed curve: median of the median values from all the hourly data
- White solid curve: median of the +/- 1 sigma values from all the hourly data
- Color: percentiles of the +/- 1 sigma curves (i.e., variation of the envelope)

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Comments related to this report
ling.sun@LIGO.ORG - 20:59, Friday 01 November 2019 (52911)

The PCAL corrections for O3a chunk 2+3 (alog LHO 52837) are applied in RRNom.py. The scripts and commands above remain the same.

The hourly uncertainty results are updated in the same dir. The new percentile plots are attached.

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