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Reports until 14:39, Thursday 31 October 2019
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:39, Thursday 31 October 2019 (52839)
HWS Look Post Break

Looking at Aidan's LLOalog49535 scared me, so I went to see if I could see anything new on our test masses. I used the power up that starts at 1256488785 and ends at 40W at 1256489202. My reference was before the power up and I looked at a few spots during, and after power up. Overall, I couldn't obtain enough detail in the images to make any statements. I felt that I should post something here regardless.

ITMY has the known largest point absorbers, as Aidan details in LHOalog52032. I wasn't able to get the detail that he did in that alog, so I was only able to clearly see 2 of the 6 known point absorbers. Below is a few minutes after we reached 40W

ETMY still doesn't look good. There is still a flipped sign reversing the optical density in these images, but even with that aside, something else must be wrong. In the below gif you can see some sort of heating going on, but what looks to be the point absorbers are in a straight line. Unlikely.

ITMX still has some invaccuum clipping going on, so we are unable to get images for that optic. ETMX didn't seem to be giving me anything that I could understand either. This is part of the motivation for the new source at EY.


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