Reports until 12:19, Tuesday 29 January 2013
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:19, Tuesday 29 January 2013 (5299)
WBSC1 HEPI Actuators all Attached
Completed the last three attachments.  No real problems encountered.

Post attachment Dial Indicator readings suggests only a little bit of shift:

Level/Tilt--The West and South sides dropped down ~0.1mm; how this actually translates into the suspended ISI tilting is difficult to deduce but I'd say the effect is less.  If it does fully tilt the Optical Table, using my level observations of the ISI table Thursday 24 January, we are still in spec; runout of 0.2mm.  It may possibly cause some grief to SUS though, SEI's condolences.

Horizontal position--I see about 0.1mm of maximum translation with most readings 1/2 or even less than that.  I would forecast a maximum rotation of 50urad CCW.

So all & all pretty good; thanks to Randy Thompson.

There is one issue with this system though.  The South Crossbeam is only about 1mm away from the HEPI Housing on the SE Corner.  This is enough room for nominal operation but over time if the system walks North for what ever reason, we may have to address that.  Attached is a photo.
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