Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 12:52, Tuesday 29 January 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:52, Tuesday 29 January 2013 (5300)
CDS maintenance

A big maintenance day today. While the DC power to the front end IO Chassis was being worked on, we shutdown all the CDS frontends with the exception of h1pemmx.

We then reconfigured the fibrer optics ports of the timing system. The MSR master, the two H1CER fanouts and the EY fanout were recofigured to the standard as agreed between LHO and LLO. The temporary fanout in the LVEA for the test stands and the MX fanout were not changed.

All the front end machines were powered down for this work. The MSR front ends were powered up in the order:





h1lsc0,h1asc0, h1oaf0

EY front ends

LVEA Test Stand Front Ends

Some problem with h1pemey IO Chassis timing, moving the tcs SFP over to the pem IO Chassis fixed this.

All system should now be burt restored and switch on.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.